Office Sheep Art

Office Sheep Art

Office Sheep Art

Office Sheep Incognito Art by Conni Togel

Make yourself and your colleagues motivated and inspired for the long day at the office. Add some smiles to everybody's cubicle, some lightheartedness to the meeting or bored (board) room, and some giggles to the watercooler conversation.

- prints on canvas and paper.

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After The Storm PRINTS Sheep Art In Life, storms are the norm, not the exception.  - It i..
AlohaBaaah Hula Dancer Sheep PRINT Peaceful ocean waves, a dancing hula sheep at the foot of a vo..
Alpaca Love Affair PRINT Sheep Art Alpaca Love Affair PRINT Sheep Art by Conni Togel Sheep and..
Baaah Vinci Vitruvian Man Sheep Art by Conni Togel - My favorite artist/scientist/explorer/inv..
Baaalancing Act Cute Sheep Art with Ladybugs Ballerina For Girl's Room - A whimsical Sheep Inc..
Baby Yobaaah PRINT The best things in life come in little bundles - little lambs are no exception..
Bad Hare Day   Hair Stylist Sheep Art  Hair Dressers and Hair Stylists - Beware of t..
Bee Ewe PRINT Inspirational Sheep Art - an inspirational message from the sheep to everbo..
Beside Still Waters - A early landscape painting that spent time on the rafters of my studio, j..
Birds Of A Feather - A cute flock of a different feather, knitting, spinning, crocheting, weaving to..